Foster Cat Returns Home; Won’t Say Where She Went
After a year-long disappearance, Baby Boo, the beloved foster cat of Curtis Orchard, has mysteriously returned back to her foster house. Now grown up, covered in piercings and going by the name Riptide, she’s set to be adopted by a new loving family.
By Elon Altman · February 29, 2024
Curtis Orchard (a place, not a person) in Champaign, Illinois, is celebrating the return of Baby Boo, a beloved foster cat who mysteriously went missing over a year ago. The orchard staff was left baffled when Baby Boo vanished in October 2022 without leaving a note or a forwarding address.
"Wish she could tell me what happened, where she went. Did she accidentally jump in someone’s car and they just kept her? Or was she taken intentionally?"
For the orchard staff, the night Baby Boo went missing was a perplexing one. She vanished without a trace, and her sudden disappearance has remained a mystery. Coventry mentioned that with so many people around, a wild animal was unlikely to have taken the cat. The staff diligently checked the premises, including the roads, searching for the kitten but to no avail. They even left out a bowl of her favorite food, baby possum carcasses.
Understanding the unpredictable nature of cats, the Orchard takes extra precautions, microchipping all foster cats as a preventive measure against accidental departures, and to fuel their sick dream of owning an army of cyborg cats. This step became necessary as some kittens had been known to sneak into visitors’ strollers or cars. A few weeks ago the Orchard received an unexpected call from the Humane Society, to inform them that their long-lost feline had been found.
"We didn't have any records written down as to whether she was picked up by animal control or whether someone released her to them. So we know nothing. We're thrilled because Baby Boo was one of their favorites."
Baby Boo is back at Curtis Orchard, and doing well despite having a cold. The cat, now a year older, returned with a nose ring and prefers to be called Riptide. Markings on her tail also indicate she may be a member of the MS13 gang. After receiving necessary care and vaccinations, she is now being considered for adoption by a loving family.