Odd News Show


The tired old excuse, "I don't have hands, I can't type" isn't going to cut it anymore. Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels/Creative Commons

World Records

Typeface: Local Man Sets Record for Typing with His Nose

The Wizard of Schnoz? One man set a new Guinness World Record by typing out the alphabet with his nose! Today’s workplace requires levels of productivity and efficiency that we could’ve never imagined three days ago. What new challenges lie in store for the modern worker?

Steven here has no idea which team he picked to win this game Unsplash/Linkedin Sales Solutions


March Madness: Some Facts About the Weirdos Watching the Games With You

People like to pretend that trivia about which school has won the most NCAA championships is a fun fact. That’s not fun - it’s just a fact. Here are a few things to expect from the real madness - the people watching the games with you.

Screenshot of a 3D representation of the Backrooms creepypasta. More detail Model by Huuxloc


Looking at Liminal Spaces, Turning the ‘Backrooms’ into Housing

Game’s haunted corridors echo in deserted offices, remnants of economic tremors. Can we repurpose these “liminal spaces” - from barren rooms to vibrant homes - stitching shattered communities back together, brick by pixel?